Irish Coffee

A must-have cocktail that never goes out of date! Synonymous with comfort in cold weather, Irish Coffee is best enjoyed during the long winter evenings propped up in the back of a soft armchair in the back room of a pub with vintage decor! What is Irish Coffee? The...

Ice Ball

Ice ball is not just an ice cube! Contrary to what you might think, whisky and ice do not necessarily go well together. At the risk of attracting the wrath of purists, ice can exalt certain aromas of whisky. We can go a little further and see that in Japan,...


If you wanted to cause a heart attack in a Scottish or an Irishman, the Mizuwari is exactly the cocktail that you have to serv them! if so much water (I mean water!), double the volume of whiskey, added to whiskey is sacrilege for some, it is a real institution for...

Alcoholic fermentation

Do you know the chemical formula of alcoholic fermentation? C6H12O6 + 2 ADP + 2 Pi → 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2 + 2 ATP. Basically, the reagents C6H12O6 (glucose), ADP (nucleotide Adenosine Diphosphate) and 2 Pi (Inorganic phosphate) are transformed into products which are...


Brewing, if you ask the question: what is whisky? The answer is simple: it’s the distillation of a beer! Simple question, simple answer but by the way, how do you make a beer? To be able to talk to you about whisky, we will have to understand how we make a beer....